Heidi Longbotham

Heidi Longbotham

Hardcore internet fanatic. Zombie ninja. Problem solver. Food fanatic. Hardcore student. Evil internetaholic.

35 Articles Written
Who Owns Orange County Behavioral Health Services?

Who Owns Orange County Behavioral Health Services?

Signature Healthcare Services, LLC is the owner of mental health centers in Orange County, including the National...

The Best Specialty Pharmacies in Orange County, CA

The Best Specialty Pharmacies in Orange County, CA

Are you looking for a specialty pharmacy in Orange County, CA? Look no further than UCI Health Specialty Pharmacy and Oc...

The Best Pharmacies in Orange County, CA: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Pharmacies in Orange County, CA: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for the best pharmacies in Orange County, CA? Look no further! This article will provide you with a...

The Pros and Cons of Mail-Order and Online Pharmacies

The Pros and Cons of Mail-Order and Online Pharmacies

Getting your prescription filled can be a tricky business. Mail-order pharmacies and online pharmacies both offer...

What is the Average Cost of Generic Medications in Orange County, CA?

What is the Average Cost of Generic Medications in Orange County, CA?

When it comes to generic medications, regulations have a major influence on their cost. Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)...

Where to Find the Best Independent Pharmacies in Orange County, CA

Where to Find the Best Independent Pharmacies in Orange County, CA

Are you looking for an independent pharmacy in Orange County, California? If so, you're in luck! There are several great...

Understanding the Orange County Behavioral Health Advisory Board

Understanding the Orange County Behavioral Health Advisory Board

The Orange County Behavioral Health Advisory Board is a community body that works to ensure that all individuals have...

What is the Average Wait Time at Pharmacies in Orange County, CA?

What is the Average Wait Time at Pharmacies in Orange County, CA?

Pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) are intermediaries between pharmacies, drug manufacturers, and health insurers that help ...

Travel Health Services: Get Ready for Your Trip with Orange County Pharmacies

Travel Health Services: Get Ready for Your Trip with Orange County Pharmacies

Are you planning a trip abroad and need to get ready? The International Society for Travel Medicine (ISTM) can help you...

Nutrition Counseling Services for Optimal Wellness in Orange County CA

Nutrition Counseling Services for Optimal Wellness in Orange County CA

Optimal Wellness Pharmacy is a one-of-a-kind pharmacy that is devoted to the individual health and wellbeing of its...

Understanding Pharmacy Services In Orange County, CA

Understanding Pharmacy Services In Orange County, CA

If you live in Orange County, California, chances are that you have visited a pharmacy at some point. Pharmacies offer an ...

Vaccinations at Pharmacies in Orange County, CA: What You Need to Know

Vaccinations at Pharmacies in Orange County, CA: What You Need to Know

Vaccines are widely and conveniently available throughout Orange County, CA. From yellow fever to the COVID-19 vaccine,...

What is the Average Cost of Compounded Medications at Pharmacies in Orange County, CA?

What is the Average Cost of Compounded Medications at Pharmacies in Orange County, CA?

Compounding pharmacies provide personalized medications based on a doctor's prescription and adjust the dosage to meet...

Free Prescription Drug Programs in Orange County, CA

Free Prescription Drug Programs in Orange County, CA

Are you looking for free prescription drug programs in Orange County, CA? The Medication Assistance Program (MAP) is here ...

Get Your Medications Delivered Right to Your Door in Orange County, CA

Get Your Medications Delivered Right to Your Door in Orange County, CA

Are you in need of pharmacy delivery services in Orange County, CA? You're in luck! There are a variety of options...

Discount Pharmacies in Orange County, CA: Get Up to 80% Off Your Prescription Drugs

Discount Pharmacies in Orange County, CA: Get Up to 80% Off Your Prescription Drugs

Are you looking for a discount pharmacy in Orange County, CA? Look no further! Orange County is home to 15 major pharmacy ...

Immunization Services: Get Vaccinated and Protect Your Community

Immunization Services: Get Vaccinated and Protect Your Community

Vaccines are essential for protecting against dangerous infectious diseases and saving lives. They can prevent illnesses...

Diabetes Management Services in Orange County, CA - Get the Best Care

Diabetes Management Services in Orange County, CA - Get the Best Care

Are you looking for diabetes management services in Orange County, CA? MedLife Pharmacy & Compounding offers a range of...

What is the Average Cost of Pet Medications in Orange County, CA?

What is the Average Cost of Pet Medications in Orange County, CA?

Are you looking for pet medications in Orange County, CA? If so, you're in luck! There are a variety of pharmacies in the ...

Drive-Thru Pharmacies in Orange County, CA: Convenient and Safe Medication Pickup

Drive-Thru Pharmacies in Orange County, CA: Convenient and Safe Medication Pickup

Are you looking for a safe and convenient way to pick up your prescriptions and medications in Orange County, CA? Look no ...

Home Health Care Services in Orange County, CA: Get Quality Care from UCI Health Outpatient Specialty Pharmacy

Home Health Care Services in Orange County, CA: Get Quality Care from UCI Health Outpatient Specialty Pharmacy

Are you in need of home health care services in Orange County, CA? UCI Health Outpatient Specialty Pharmacy is here to...

Specialty Services Offered by Pharmacies in Orange County, CA

Specialty Services Offered by Pharmacies in Orange County, CA

At UCI Health Outpatient Specialty Pharmacy, we are proud to offer a comprehensive selection of specialty services to...

Finding the Best Pharmacies in Orange County, CA

Finding the Best Pharmacies in Orange County, CA

Are you looking for a reliable pharmacy in Orange County, CA? Whether you need to fill a prescription or just want to...

Mental Health Services in Orange County, CA: Get the Help You Need

Mental Health Services in Orange County, CA: Get the Help You Need

CVS and other pharmacies in Orange County, CA are expanding their mental health services to make the area a safe, healthy ...

Quitting Smoking in Orange County, CA: Resources and Services to Help You

Quitting Smoking in Orange County, CA: Resources and Services to Help You

Quitting smoking can be a daunting task, but there are many resources and services available to those in Orange County,...

Comprehensive Pet Pharmacy Services in Orange County, CA

Comprehensive Pet Pharmacy Services in Orange County, CA

At Welby Affordable Animal Hospital, we are committed to providing the Orange, California community with the highest...

Compounding Pharmacy Solutions in Orange County, CA

Compounding Pharmacy Solutions in Orange County, CA

Are you in search of a pharmacy in Orange County, CA that provides personalized compounding services? MedLife Pharmacy &...